"Homosexuals burned in the Middle Ages"
by Geoffrey Hendricks and Sur Rodney (Sur)
Sur Rodney (Sur) and Geoffrey Hendricks
Sur Rodney (Sur) and Geoffrey Hendricks
Sur Rodney (Sur), Geoffrey Hendricks and Phillip Ward (5/18)

Matthew Ravenstahl and Phillip Ward (5/21)
Phillip Ward and Jonathan Wahl
"Sons of Sodom" by Jonathan Wahl
Geoffrey Hendricks, Phillip Ward and Jonathan Wahl

"Jesus Christ" by Shane Ruth
Mary Ellen Strom, James Bidgood, and Gabriel Martinez
Mary Ellen Strom, James Bidgood, and Gabriel Martinez
"Felix Gonzalez-Torres" by Gabriel Martinez
"Felix Gonzalez-Torres" by Gabriel Martinez

Leor Grady and Christopher Arabadjis

"Jack Smith" by ak burns

Michela Griffo and Alvin Baltrop
"The Dance Floor" by Aaron Krach
"Alexander 'The Great' " by Milton Rosa-Ortiz
"Alexander 'The Great' " by Milton Rosa-Ortiz
"Alexander 'The Great' " by Milton Rosa-Ortiz
"Alexander 'The Great' " by Milton Rosa-Ortiz
Milton Rosa-Ortiz and Phillip Ward
Papo Colo and Jeanette Ingberman with Milton Rosa-Ortiz
Phillip Ward's "Quentin Crisp" installation
A selection of Quentin Crisp's hats on canvas
A selection of Quentin Crisp's personal objects
from the Quentin Crisp Archives, including his famous
telephone on which he answered all callers, playbills,
magnifying glass, publicity headshot, tea pot and cup,
a grouping of original manuscripts, jewelry, scarves,
his famous black leather cowboy hat, and
five books from his long list of publications.
Another view of a selection of Quentin Crisp's personal objects.
Jeanette Ingberman and Phillip Ward
Phillip Ward and Papo Colo
with "Coming Out" by Matthew Ravenstahl
All photographs are copyright © 2005 by Charles Barron and Phillip Ward. All rights reserved.