In our many conversations about his life's legacy, and with knowing that he did not believe in any god or an afterlife, Quentin Crisp confided humorously that there would be many Crisp imitators in years ahead. And that, in one way, it will be a sort of flattering immortality for him.
In his admitted vanity, Quentin could only accept one Quentin Crisp at a time himself. He was happy that these imitators would not appear in his lifetime.
Aside from John Hurt's portrayal of Mr. Crisp in the movie version of The Naked Civil Servant, five actors have now imitated the person Quentin Crisp on stage in various theatres about the globe. And since 1999, Mr. Crisp has not been proven wrong!
Each "imitator" is a singular, artful expression of what might be the essence of Quentin Crisp and each has received praise.
To learn more, click on the links below to read about the actors and the plays in which they perform Quentin Crisp. Click on the icons to visit their web sites.